
Hey All… I’m Lisa aka “EZ” and I’m one of the Founding Members & Road Captain of Women In The Wind ~ NJ Renegades Chapter.
I’ve been riding since 2002. After deciding that “Riding Bitch” just wasn’t for me. That I needed to be in control of where, when and how I wanted to ride. So early that Spring, I finally went, on a whim… just to see if I could, took the written test and got my MC permit. I got some help learning the basics of riding from my Dad and my brother… Practicing whenever I had free time, riding around the neighborhood and out on our local backroads. Picking it up pretty quickly… Then finally, a few months later during a very HOT 4th of July weekend, I was able to get one of the available spots in a NJ Rider ED Beginners Course. Take the road test, get my MC Lic and the rest, as they say… is History!
My 1st Bike was a beat up, crashed twice and rebuilt ’81-’82 Yamaha Virago 750 that was a freebie hand-me down from my Brother John when he got his new ride. I spent two Summers riding around on that bike. Including my 1st extended 4 day weekend roadtrip with my Dad to Washington DC that first Summer.. I was hooked! Then in September 2003 my Brother helped me out again by loaning me the down payment (which I still owe him for- thanks John) on a new bike. I got the Bike I still ride now, a Harley Davidson 2004 Sportster 883XLC. I’ve named him “Ponyboy” and we’ve had many many miles of fun together. Quite a few very amazing & fun roadtrips adventures too… and I’m looking forward to many more to come!
In early Spring of 2004 I found Women In The Wind doing a search on-line looking for riding clubs/groups. I loved riding with my Dad & Brother, also with a few of the local guys I knew well… but I wanted to see what else was out there. I found out there was a local chapter of Women In The Wind near me so I contacted them, went to a few meetings and joined them on a couple of rides. Liking my experience with them and the support they gave to me, a still very newbie rider that they barely knew at the time. I offically joined Women In The Wind and my 1st chapter that Fall of 2004. I had a wonderful time with them and I learned a lot! Met some great women and made some really great friends! In the Spring of 2007, myself and a few of those great friends I had made decided it was time to branch out to form a new chapter. So on May 1, 2007 Women In The Wind ~ NJ Renegades Chapter was born! We’re a small close-knit group. The support and camaraderie of these Women is amazing! We’re all there for each other! Helping each other to improve our riding skills. Be it someone who has been riding for many years or someone who is just starting out. Supporting each other in whatever is going on in our lives! Having a great time together! Whatever we do, where ever we go! Sharing our stories and experiences. Meeting up with our Sister Women In The Wind Chapters along the way.
If you are ever in Northern New Jersey area look us up! I look forward to meeting you all out on the backroads sometime! Until then… Keep your Knees in the Breeze, the Sun on your Face and the Wind in your hair! Keep the Shiney Side Up! Ride Safe & Have Fun!